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Quote from neonmateo :I didnt know where to post this and didnt wanna create another thread but would it be possible to have an option to delete all previous versions of all the mods (and only keep the current) from the LFS folder, since my LFS folder is over 25GB now and over 4500 subfolders in mods folder.

This feature is often requested and I made a start on it last week. The idea to make a list of mod folders then you have 3 options of mods to keep:

- latest versions of mods
- local test mods
- replay mods

The first two are easy. I'd like to include the replay option as I know I have old replays in which the mods have since been deleted. Only trouble is I need to make a replay search function to identify the mods, which is a more complicated.

Quote from Racon :Is it a small enough job to add a player's license level to the NCN (or NCI) packet? And if not, could it go on a list?

I have added a License byte to the IS_NCI packet and that will be available when a new server version is available. I haven't actually tested it yet but it is coded.
Quote from Scawen :This thread is only about the modeller, not the vehicle editor or mods system in general.

Hmm, I got confused between this editor test patch thread and the modeller suggestions thread. Anyway, as a test patch thread it is not for off topic suggestions, please. Hotkey discussions are relevant but may be better on the LFS Modeller Suggestions thread.

Quote from ivancsx :havent open Blender for a long time because LFSE more addicting and challenging to make something

Nice reason to use LFS editor! Uhmm Ya right Big grin
A couple of features from LFSLazy are available in Test Patch D10 and you should check out the PACT Driving Assistant if you haven't already.

I don't know about the overlap of features between LFSLazy and PACT Driving Assistant but I do know that PACT has a lot of features. Smile
Quote from Ibtasim6781 :A bit late, but decided to try D10 today. Cars and skins download faster with the HTTP buffer option enabled.

Thank you for the test from Argentina. Smile

I wonder how sure are you about that? Is it measurable? It would be interesting if you could do a direct comparison, if you don't mind.

For example, a possible test you could run:
- download a mod with test option disabled, see how long it takes (preferably using a stopwatch)
- delete the mod from your mods\vehicles folder
- download the same mod again with the option enabled

That would be useful information, to avoid the results being affected by other internet fluctuations.

BeNoM reported no apparent difference before, from Australia:
No, that is not available.

If that option is actually wanted, now would be a very bad time to start coding it.

Please remember, people, this is a test patch thread. It is exclusively to talk about any issues that were found in the test patch. It is not a random suggestions or technical support thread.

Improvement Suggestions:

Technical Assistance:
Thank you for that report. I did test new "object" but not car - and I get the same as you. Will fix!
Quote from BeNoM :I love this, any chance we can get it in the editor as well?

Maximum speed for each gear is now available in Editor Test Patch D8:
Quote from Evolution_R :Even though the maximum limit of subobjects is not reached (64 I think), the head disappears when there are more than ~75 000 tris in 27 subobjects.

It's all about the number of subobjects, rather than the number of triangles. It was limited to 32 subobjects, but in Editor Test Patch D8 you can see up to 40 subobjects including the helmet (and two for each mirrored subobject).

Quote from iiiiil :Mesh explodes in wire mode.
All i did was going to wire mode and click "reload textures". Some times LFSE crashes, some times i get this weird result

This is also fixed in Editor Test Patch D8:
Quote from VladM :The ability to break off subobjects into another subobject would be great.

Quote from Facu23 :I have one that will improve workflow massively:
Select multiple tris sliding the cursor while pressing control instead clicking multiple times Big grin

These features are now in Editor Test Patch D8:
Editor Test Patch 0.7D40
Hello Mod Creators,

Here is an update for the LFS Editor.

Changes in Editor 0.7D40:

Vehicle editor:

Hub object custom colours now appear in the list of wheel colours


Reflect object function is now available for individual subobjects
Combined clean object buttons into a single button with a dialog
Spoke mode "export SRE" saves combined spokes as a modeller object
Spoke mode "import SRE" function to load modeller object as a spoke

Changes in Editor 0.7D39:


Set subobject as "hub object" that moves and rotates with a wheel
- note that LFS must be updated to D32 or the object does not move


FIX: Small camera movement on releasing LMB after 2-button rotation

Changes in Editor 0.7D38:


Export plain / shaded / wireframe for any texture (not only skins)
FIX: Merge subobjects, mappings wrong if subobject had pitch / roll
FIX: Map mode showed texture file for skin cutouts as [no texture]


FIX: Alpha number plate texture went wrong if more than one on page
FIX: Modeller - reload textures - vehicle editor: 2 plates on page

Changes in Editor 0.7D37:


Ability to set colours instead of using the system colours
Set background colour without supplying a backing texture
Adjustable black rectangle option if background is not black

Road clocks:

Digital and analog speedo may be used at the same time

Formula clocks:

Option to switch off numbers on the tacho display
Option to use a larger step on the tacho display


Crash on undo/redo of subobjects in mapping/cutout/page modes
Message: The backing texture will appear in subobjects but must be set in the main object

Changes in Editor 0.7D36:

Vehicle editor:

Backing texture can now be used with all types of clock texture
Text colour and opacity can be set on the s_clock_formula clocks
FIX: Vehicle lost 'saved' status exiting modeller with no changes


Message if user attempts to set backing texture on subobject
Texture page marked as dash is shown green (if not used by model)
FIX: Model lost 'saved' status if cutout or mapping drag cancelled

Changes in Editor 0.7D35:

A new dashboard backing texture system
- only for s_clock and s_clock_white dashboards [restriction removed in D36]
- backing texture appears *behind* needle, numbers, markings
- appears illuminated (self lit) like the default dashboards
- recommended texture size is 512 or 1024 for future-proofing
- load the texture in page mode in the modeller
- click the "fixed" button to mark it as "dash"
- there is a reload button in the dashboard editor
- alpha channel has no effect

Changes in Editor 0.7D34:

Vehicle editor:

Engine damage light can be enabled (in Transmission tab)
Maximum value for main body drag increased from 1.0 to 6.0
Some tooltips added and descriptions adjusted in Aerodynamics tab
Estimated max speed (in Aerodynamics) shows speed in mph or km/h
FIX: Dashboard for electric vehicles was switched off in editor

Dashboard editor:

- set maximum value in km/h (steps of 5)
- option to show units (km/h or mph)

- set maximum value
- x100 or x1000
- gap 1/2 (x1000) or 5/10 (x100)
- options to show units (x100 or x1000)

Options on all gauges:
- needle colour = text colour
- needle is long
- needle above pivot
- hide pivot
- hide numbers
- hide symbol (if applicable)
- hide marks
- smaller text

Changes in Editor 0.7D33:

Vehicle editor:

A sky reflection (environment map) is included in mod screenshot
Undo "edit model" is removed if no changes were made in modeller
More tooltips in Allow, Light Colours and Object Positions tabs
Unsaved changes warning on clicking the X button to exit LFS


Unsaved changes warning on clicking the X button to exit LFS

Changes in Editor 0.7D32:

FIX: Crash when selecting overlay with no texture

Changes in Editor 0.7D31:

Vehicle editor:

A redo function to go with the new undo function


There is now a redo function to go with the undo function
Map / cutout / page selections are preserved when possible
Undo and redo deal correctly with map / cutout / page modes
Cutout mode works more like map mode and avoids button overlap
Overlay function from page mode is now available in cutout mode
Square buttons in map mode match mapping aspect ratio to cutout

Changes in Editor 0.7D30:

Vehicle editor:

Undo function for all editor operations
Exit warning only if changes have been made
C key to clear selected point and selected tube
Delete key deletes a point or tube (if only one is selected)
CTRL+RMB (copy) SHIFT+RMB (paste) now work with frame point values
Hide the bottom right buttons now hides the whole settings block
Rim modifiers moved to top right in rim editor avoiding overlap
Special view no longer includes wheel mass cuboids by default
Error message displayed if a vehicle file cannot be loaded


FIX: Bottom right screen layout was wrong in 2D views

Animation editor:

FIX: Driver in wireframe mode could be obscured by the vehicle

Changes in Editor 0.7D29:

Vehicle editor:

Included whole words "load" and "save" for setups and colours
New message on clicking "Animate" if the vehicle has no driver
Tooltips added to Steering tab and some in Object Positions tab
Question button and tip are shown for unusual FR configurations
Caster angle reduced to 2 decimal places (3 seemed excessive)

New vehicle:

Better initial values for engine and fuel tank positions
Light colours are now initialised (all were black except rear fog)
FIX: Editor buttons appeared during dialog in new vehicle screen

Animation editor:

Eye view button (beside origin and object buttons)
Keys O (view object) and SHIFT+O (options) now work

Changes in Editor 0.7D28:

Vehicle editor:

Various improvements in layout and organisation
Tooltips are now available (allows reduced button text)
A new button to show the view from driver's eye position
Editor sliders now have both arrows on the right
FIX: Spare wheel pitch now expressed in degrees
FIX: Nudging of RPM sliders in engine editor

Changes in Editor 0.7D27:

FIX: Position of screen buttons during 2D rotate or scale (D26 bug)

Changes in Editor 0.7D26:

Mod Export:

A new limit of 8192 triangles / 12288 vertices for LOD2
Groups are compressed when exporting for test or upload


A new function "reduce detail" is visible with triangles selected
A point is selected if unambiguous after merge to green or average

Changes in Editor 0.7D25:


A new style dialog is now used for merge points (ALT+M) options
FIX: Points more likely to remain selected after scale or lathe

Vehicle editor:

For flashing pit speed limiter light - choose brake or rear fog
Width / ratio / rim width move in bigger steps with right click
Frame position adjustments use expected steps for mouse clicks

Limited sidecar support:

Lone wheel (e.g. front) can be offset left (in Suspension tab)
- offset wheel to right is currently disabled for compatibility
Pair of wheels (e.g. rear) can be longitudinally staggered
- only the rearmost wheel of a staggered pair is driven
- anti-roll is disabled when the pair is staggered

Changes in Editor 0.7D24:

Switches for various options previously controlled by Race Class
- Indicators / Headlights / Pit limiter light (in 'Light Colours')
- Handbrake / Horn / Starter Motor (in 'Allow')
- Oval suspension arms (in 'Suspension')
- Grooved slicks (in 'Wheel Object')

Modeller move in list UP/DN: move more with SHIFT or right click

Changes from 0.7C to 0.7D23:


H button at top left to hide/show message history like H key in game
Left click increments should now always be smaller than right click
- previously this was not consistent between all types of button
- as before, CTRL may do smaller steps, SHIFT may do larger steps
- this change should apply to distance, colour, angle and scale

Vehicle editor:

Spare wheel can now be offset laterally (set RIGHT value)
Maximum speed for each gear is now visible in the vehicle editor
- you will need to click the '-' button beside reload textures
Max subobjects to be drawn in editor increased to 40 (was 32)
Mod with too many materials cannot be exported to test in LFS
Keys: CTRL+O: load vehicle / CTRL+N: new vehicle
FIX: A fix for the cover image screenshot when exporting a large mod
FIX: Corrects an audio bug if a bad value is set in LFS sound editor
FIX: Save as SIT / STR name now limited to 7 characters
FIX: Dashboard texture can now be updated in a 2D view
FIX: Crash if vehicle mod had more than 64 materials


Ability to name subobjects (right click name or description)
New dialogs for extrude / lathe / create a circle of points
You can now undo "load main object" (reverts to old object)
New button to select a point by entering the point index
- index of a single selected point or triangle is displayed
Rearranged buttons in tri mode to align well with point mode
Helpful messages about bad normals are now shown at top right
- triangles that are too small or too thin are separately listed
- triangles as small as 1/3 of a millimetre can contribute normals
- click button to find error triangles or points with bad normals
New function "invert" to invert selection (selected - unselected)
Disabled point selection by middle button in build and point modes
Number plate texture s_plate is now visible in modeller 'page' mode
Rotated subobjects can now be correctly merged into the main object
You can now break off triangles from a subobject into a new subobject
Select or deselect multiple triangles by holding down CTRL and LMB
- move the mouse to nearby triangles to keep selecting or deselecting
Aligned "select selection's points" and "select connected triangles"
- these were misaligned in 2D modes if a selection box was visible
- it can be useful to click them repeatedly (much easier if aligned)
You can hide subobjects other than the selected one: show subobs NO
New feature to merge points by distance (distance can be specified)
Mouse control now works below 1cm from the plane (down to 1mm)
FIX: Crash on reload textures with no cutout or page selected
FIX: Wireframe view went wrong or crashed on "reload textures"
FIX: Rim disappeared on clicking "reload textures" in spoke edit

Modeller hotkeys / shortcuts:

CTRL+O: load main object

Keys for subob, point, tri, map, cutout, page modes:
CTRL+D: duplicate
CTRL+N: new
DELETE: delete

H: hide selected (points or triangles)
SHIFT+H: hide unselected
ALT+H: unhide all

E: extrude selected points (with trace enabled in point mode)
S: select selection's points / select connected triangles
CTRL+F: flip selected triangles (in tri mode)
CTRL+F: flip connected triangles (in point mode)
CTRL+I: invert selection (points or triangles)
ALT+M: Merge points (previously known as Fuse points)

Modeller mode selection:
SHIFT+S: subob
SHIFT+T: tri
SHIFT+P: point
SHIFT+B: build
SHIFT+M: map
SHIFT+C: cutout
SHIFT+G: page
SHIFT+V: view


LFS Editor PATCH 7A to 7D40 [If you already have LFS Editor 0.7A]
Editor 0.7A or later must already be installed! [1.5 MB]
Last edited by Scawen, .
For people who experience slow mods downloads, I have done a test in Test Patch D10.

Internet research has yielded little. This test is based on very little evidence, but I think it's worth a go. You need to enable it in Misc Options.
Test Patch D10

I've added an experimental option in Misc Options. Based purely on the suggestion in that link above, it seems worth a go. Let's see if it makes mod downloads any faster or slower for people who are far from Rotterdam and experience slow mod downloads.

Options... Misc... HTTP buffer test [EXPERIMENTAL]
Last edited by Scawen, .
In case any TCP gurus are reading, I have only set one socket option on the HTTP receive socket. The rest I have left at default.

The one option I have set is SO_RCVBUF:

int rx_size = 65536; // rx buffer size 64K (default is 8K)
setsockopt(SkinSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (const char *)&rx_size, sizeof(int));

I'm not certain where I have got the information that default is 8K. However, if I do query that value without setting it, I do get the answer 8K. Various posts I have read in the past suggest a buffer size of 64K is good so that's why I have set it.

This is contradicted by one post I found on Microsoft's site:

But I'm struggling to find more info about it. I guess I could do a simple test of simply not setting that value, and we can check if your skin and mod downloads get faster or slower?

P.S. I've moved some off-topic posts. This thread is about the test patch.
Quote from r3zp3k7 :All conditions were met. The pit stop was finished and the 0.7D6 user was spectating. The same was in reverse. Hard to tell how it happened though, because after the 0.7D6 user re-entered LFS.exe the bug was not found anymore. Anyway, if we find it again, I'll let you know. Tire physics is way more important for everyone, so please proceed in peace.

I've tested this now with a D and D9 version connected (to a D host). I did not encounter a problem taking over car, from D to D9 or from D9 to D. As nothing changed in that area, I will assume this is not related to the test patch and is extremely rare or related to conditions we don't know.

Quote from Tuttu The Dog :I do been seeming to face a problem after downloading the patches, My mod loading time is too slow and it times out so often.. And it happens in singleplayer too! and got to try 3 times to join a server minimum. This have never happened to me before, another player also seems to be facing this issue.

It is unlikely to be test patch related as nothing has changed with the download code. It's probably something on the internet at your end, our end or somewhere in the middle. Have you tried using a D (or other) backup exe to verify that the slow download does not occur with D?
No, it is generated locally. I think the clue is that it is a translated message? Unless it's actually generated by your InSim program? I've looked in the code and can't see anything that would remove a dot from a user name, so was hoping for an easier reproduction.

I'm trying to do things in a simple way, rather than spending a long time creating fake user names, to try to reproduce the fault. This is to save me time as I have a lot of other things to work on. Maybe you could get your friend with a user name that starts with a dot to join a server to create a short MPR.

When i searched our system, I couldn't find a user called ".user1" so assumed it was an example and you are protecting the identity of the user?

A similar thing has happened on the test patch forum. A bug has been reported, I asked for a reproduction, but no-one is interested. That's fine but it'll take me longer to develop the tyre physics if I'm the only one reproducing obscure bugs.
Hey super, please let me judge for myself what's important.

For the record, it's very important if the test patch has a bug in it that means people can't change drivers. Most useful would be to go out and test it. If there's a bug, I'll fix it. That's how it works.

EDIT: But I now notice that I said "D8" in previous post. Sorry about that, I should have said "D9" as it's the latest test patch. All I really want to ask is to test D9 driver changes, perhaps one player in D9 and the other in D. You are right, it doesn't matter about D6 or D8.
Last edited by Scawen, .
Were all the conditions definitely met? In pit stop, etc. I could stop and test this using two user accounts but I'm in the middle of tyre physics so don't really want to stop at the moment, so if anyone else can test that would be appreciated. I'd suggest testing with D9 and D versions together. If all works then I'd suggest that all is OK.
Last edited by Scawen, . Reason : edit: originally wrote D8, meant to say D9
Test Patch D9 is now available:


FIX: Chat text in mods screen is now in front of interface buttons


Dust colour on grass and dirt tracks now uses a dirt colour
- previously used average colour of surface which looked odd
- smoke and dust acquire lighting colour from car's location


Stationary cars can now lag for longer (3 seconds) before vanishing
Team arrow colours on small map are now enabled by a host option
- option is not yet available but is coded as /teamarrows=no/yes


IS_CPP packet with Time = 0 is instantly processed (not stored)
- allows it to be followed immediately by an IS_CPP with Time > 0
FIX: ZByte was not set in IS_OBH packet
Moved a few posts that are no longer needed.

I'm finishing a few more minor updates for the public test patch.
Gentle reminders work better with me, rather than trying to ram it down my throat / rub my face in the shit or whatever metaphor.

I have a lot to do and I can get through more when I have peace of mind. Irritation makes me less able to get work done.

Everything is here on a list and I'm trying to get it done. You might have observed by now, I'm not really forgetful about things that have been mentioned on test patch threads. Regardless, I don't mind gentle reminders but a list of dumb insults isn't at all helpful.
Thank you for the report.

I confirm there was a missing line of code where this byte should have been copied from an internal packet to the InSim packet. I've added that line so it'll be in any version that is released, 0.7D9 or later. It looks so simple at this point I will simply claim it is fixed, without actually testing it as I'm a bit busy with other things.

If you are using this on client side then you could get the required value in the next test patch (I'm not sure when, but we do have a test patch in progress, though I'm not very active on it). If you need it on server side, I'm not sure when that will be.
Quote from Gutholz :Does there need to be this threshold?
Or could it be like each 0.1% damage adds 5 seconds?

It was already discussed, how I've added it in an extremely simple and quick way using the existing system.

Apparently I have made a mistake by moving such posts into the "no longer needed" thread:

I'm not wondering about things to add to the test patch. I'm fully immersed in the development version.

For anyone who hasn't followed the test patch process, this isn't me sitting around with nothing to do, randomly and suddenly thinking about pointless things to add to a test patch. In fact, it was all about one thing leading to another.

History of this test patch:

- some things were needed for MRc E-challenge
- therefore a test patch was required
- I have noticed a lot of concern about LFSLazy not working
- added a couple of the most requested features from LFSLazy
- one of those was engine damage display
- this inspired me to do a 5 minute update to allow engine repair
- this was discussed at length here before implementing

That's it. I don't want to put effort into refining it at this time.
Last edited by Scawen, . Reason : added quote
Thank you for the reports and tests with long names. I tried uploading a simple test mod at some point, to confirm the issue. Victor found and fixed a bug relating to the long names. Something to do with not allowing enough space for the version identifier (like ~001). I guess that means only 23 character names were really possible.

I verified the fix with an upload and it seemed to work. Sorry it took a while, hope its sorted now.
It seems that most think the engine damage number should not be displayed for remote cars. That would be a simple change and consistent with the tyre temperatures.

What about the point at which it changes from yellow to red? While that is not very important yet, it would become more important if we do engine repairs in pit stop. In that case the yellow amount of damage could count as "minor damage" and the red would would count as "major damage" and take longer. So then it becomes important to set that value correctly (currently 95%).

Although I'm still not sure about implementing engine repair, it seems simple enough and for for sim racing purposes and longer races, it would be good to be able to fix the engine.

By the way, for anyone who is worried about me working on the test patch, do not worry, I'm working on the dev version. Pausing to do a few minor changes in the public version (which also go into the development version) isn't really a problem.
Quote from Eclipsed :I'm wondering what does this percentage say? If I damage the engine to 90%,do I have 90% of power at each revs range?

It seems worse than that. Like if it says 50% you really have quite a lot less power than 50%.

Rough explanation: It's more related to the 'input power' ignoring the internal resistance of the engine which stays the same.

Quote from Kanade :Would it be possible to get clutch temp & engine damage as dashboard warning icons?
Would love to be able to use them both for mods and with SimHub.

I would like to do that but I can't add the extra warning light position into the car files while maintaining compatibility so that must be done at a later time, when new cars will be incompatible with old versions for some other reason.

Quote from Facu23 :talking about minor and major damages, any chances to avoid cosmetic repairs to save time? like only repair suspensions and engine or solo suspensions.

I know what you mean but some of the 'cosmetic' repairs do correspond with suspension repairs. Anyway I think it's all a bit complicated for now as I have to be getting on with other things.

I'm not sure if I'll do engine repair in pit stops at this time. Still considering it. It would increase the pressure to release a new full version. This current test patch is fully compatible which means it can hang around here for a while and we can add a feature every now and then.